Friday, January 20, 2006

Antichrist for President 2008

Rev. Michael S. Margolin

Hello America,
If you will do me the honor of making me your next President I promise to take care of domestic affairs before granting any more foreign aid. I also promise to uphold the post at a 1/4 pay of what the current President makes. My agenda is as follows.
1. Concentrate on domestic affairs before giving any more foreign aid, review and reduce foreign aid that is being given now, redirect that aid to address domestic issuses.
2. Cut the pay of all Politicians in half and as an act of good faith I will take a three quarters pay cut to show that I am a President for the people and by the people not corporations and private enterprises. Furthermore, all Federal employees will no longer be exempt from contributing to Social Security.
3. I promise to drastically reduce income taxes for citizens that make less than $40,000 a year per family house hold and abolish taxes for house holds that have an annual income tax of less than $20,000.
4. An affordable and efficient Health care system for all American citizens.
5. Carefully and calculatingly bring our troops home with minimal jeopardy to the goals achieved by all their sacrifices, not only in Iraq but also in Afghanistan and Korea.
6. End all Sanctions against Cuba and work toward a long and prosperous friendship for both countries.
7. Improve foreign relations by supporting diversity of culture, belief, and political rule, no matter how much it may differ from our system, cultures, belief.
8. Continue to finance Space exploration and technologies, general sciences and all aspects of the medical fields to further and improve the standard of living for all American citizens and Americans to come.
9. Ensure that the federally funded education systems are affordable for all ages of students and become the best in the world.
10. Create a check and balances system to ensure this government becomes and stays a government for the people and by the people. To start make the office of the President only achievable by popular vote not the Electoral College which I will abolish.
11. Review and repeal sanctions on religions. Mormons will have the legal right to be polygamists, as well as Muslims and any other religion that allows it. Homosexuals will be granted the same marriage rights as heterosexuals. The use of Sacraments of all religions shall be protected by federal law this includes Wine, Hashish, Marijuana, Salvia Divinorum, Peyote' as well as many others. Any religion that does not support "Freedom of religion" shall lose it's tax exempt status.

In ending I'd like to say I am just as poor as Abraham Lincoln was when he ran for President but just as hard working. Please do not let my humble beginnings blind you from making this country a better place for all American Citizens.
Thank you for your time.

Rev. Michael S. Margolin
Baphomet Rex 666
H.P. and founder of the Sinagogue of Satan


Blogger Unknown said...

"Since the electorial college decides the president your vote is already wasted so put it to use, fill in Michael S. Margolin for President in 08." -Himself

To vote for Mike or anyone else thats not on the ballot, write in both the title of the office and the candidates name on the lines inside the ballot.

For an example, browse through this page;

10:31 PM  
Blogger Billijean said...


You definately have my vote in'08. You are what this country needs in this time in History! It is refreshing to see someone with the guts to step up to the plate. With all good luck in the world.

7:55 PM  
Blogger Pitcher said...

I give you my vote as well as anything else you may need to become elected.


3:49 PM  
Blogger Lucifer said...

Good on you Mike.

You always said you'd go for it :D

11:08 AM  

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